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Indian History 1

Indian History Quiz 1

To which dynasty did Ashoka belong?
A) Gupta
B) Kushan
C) Maurya
D) Vardhana

Panini, the first Grammarian of Sanskrit language in India, lived during the :
A) 5th-6th Century A. D.
B) 2nd Century A. D.
C) 2nd Century B. C.
D) 6th -5th Century B. C.

Which ruler, for the first time issued gold coins on a large scale in ancient India?
A) Ashoka
B) Kanishka
C) Samudragupta
D) Harsha

The father of Asoka was :
A) Bimbisara
B) Bindusara
C) Mahendra
D) Namda

The main historical source regarding the information about village government under the Cholas is
A) Halmidi inscription
B) Jatwai inscription
C) Uttaramerur inscription
D) Chandravallo inscription

Kumarasambhavam describes the story of the birth of
A) Sanatkumara
B) Karttikeya
C) Pradyumna
D) Abhimanyu

Coins came into use by the
A) Indus valley people
B) Aryans
C) Mouryans
D) Vedic people

How many hymns are there in Rigveda now?
A) 1027
B) 1238
C) 837
D) 1336

Give the correct order as is the “Purusha sukta”
A) Rajanya, Brahmana, Sudra, Vaishya
B) Sudra, Vaishya, Brahmana, Rajanya
C) Brahmana, Rajanya, Vaishya, Sudra
D) None of the above

Who performed Aswamedha yagya ?
A) Ashoka
B) Vikramaditya
C) Pushyamitra
D) Sunga